

Name of Course

Outline of Course
The Mindfulness curriculum here at Kettlebrook is based on the 10 week Mindfulness in Schools Project .b.

Pronounced [dot-be] .b stands for ‘Stop, Breathe and Be!’

How it’s taught
The lessons are designed for students to understand a little about how their brains work and how they can learn to direct their attention. This is done through a series of engaging practical activities, power point, short videos and discussion.

The techniques they learn during lessons are simple and highly portable allowing students to use them both in school and at home.

Topic Areas

  • To experience greater well-being (e.g. feel happier, calmer, more fulfilled)
  • To fulfill their potential and pursue their own goals e.g. be more creative, more relaxed, academically, personally
  • To improve their concentration and focus, in classes, in exams and tests, on the sports field, when playing games, when paying attention and listening to others
  • To work with difficult mental states such as depressive, ruminative and anxious thoughts and low moods
  • To cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, family issues, sleep problems

Useful websites