Our students also have access at different times over the academic year to a wide variety of workshops / trips / learning opportunities. In the last couple of years this list has got longer!!
Here are just a few examples:
Dog walking rescue dogs
Handling pets; caring and grooming for them; overcoming fears; being
responsible for something/someone else; working together to look after the dogs……
First Aid – St Johns Ambulance
Learning how to help others who are in need of first aid. Leading and
managing other people; decision making; taking correct safe action under pressure……
Zoo Lab – handling animals and insects!
Learning about unusual animals and insects – eating / habitats /
preservation etc; over-coming fears by handling and seeing them!
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Rock climbing & abseiling; mountain biking; rope walking; canoeing; archery; survival skills etc. Getting to know ones’ own strengths and limits; over-coming fears! Working with others; decision making; leading and managing others and equipment………
Learning about the effects of being homeless; how to build a shelter; how we can help……
Skateboarding and scooting
How to skateboard and scoot!
Displays in the Philip Dix centre in Tamworth
Medieval Mayhem and WWI remembrance