What are the aims of PSHE?
– To develop knowledge and skills which will equip them for opportunities and challenges in life.
• To engage in activities that develop empathy and understanding.
• To develop independence through learning how to take a greater
responsibility for their actions.
• To promote health awareness and the value of adopting a healthy lifestyle.
• To instil awareness and understanding of the media and their online presence.
• To develop responsibility and selfawareness in relation to the treatment
of others.
• To support the development of selfesteem.
• To know and recognise relevant laws so that they know they are protected from harm, harassment and abuse, as well as following these laws themselves.
• To provide access to external providers for advice and support.
• To ensure all pupils leave Kettlebrook Short Stay School with knowledge and skills that will help them make positive choices.
Course description:
Name of Course
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)
Not applicable
Outline of Course
Our PSHE & RSE programmes are very popular with our students as it helps them begin to make informed choices to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain. The aim is to students the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. Students are taught in small groups through the main areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and the Wider World. However, there is a whole school approach to PSHE at Kettlebrook with key messages being taught across the curriculum and we were delighted to achieve the Wellbeing Award (2021) and Healthy Schools Status in recognition of our work. We invite different guest speakers to support learning including the school nurse, knife crime perpetrators and victims, Fire & Rescue, Police, the Sexual Health Prevention Team and T3. We work closely with our careers’ advisor to ensure students begin build skills and make important choices before the end of year 11. Key messages are relayed to parents, carers and the wider community through our Wellbeing Weekly magazine which is written and distributed by our PSHE lead.
How its taught
In PSHE, students are taught knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can make informed decisions and take some responsibility for themselves. The main areas of PSHE of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and the Wider World feature in every lesson. Lessons are undertaken in small groups; 1:1; presentations from outside speakers. There are a variety of approaches to the topic including discussion, role play, debate, research, use of video and appropriate resources designed to support each individual’s learning style. Students are invited to share the views, thoughts and ideas in discussion and/or written form.
Topic Areas
We cover a variety of topic areas, including: Emotional Wellbeing; Healthy Lifestyles; Relationship and Sex Education; Consent; Personal Safety; Applying for Jobs and POST 16 Courses; Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination.
Students are encouraged to undertake related tasks at home including discussions with their parents/carers.
Useful Websites Drug Education Health Education Alcohol Education Teaching Resources BBC Bitesize – A Toolkit for Supporting Young People – NHS Page about promoting Healthy Living ( Young Minds – Supporting Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Families