Physical Education

Physical Education

What are the aims of Physical Education?

– To be active physically, demonstrating knowledge and understanding through physical activity.
– To engage in activities that develop cardiovascular health, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance.
– To develop independence through problem solving physical challenges, evaluating, modifying technique and consolidating skills through practise and repetition.
– To promote health awareness and the value of adopting a healthy lifestyle.
– To instil a sense of good sportsmanship and encourage recognition of other pupils’ contribution.
– To develop leadership skills, responsibility and self-awareness.
– To support the development of self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and helping pupils to cope with both success and failure in competitive and co-operative activities.
– To recognise and follow relevant rules, laws, codes, etiquette and safety
procedures for different activities or events, in practice and during competition.
– To provide access to external providers of physical activity and sport.
– To inspire students to build a life-long relationship with physical activity.
– To offer the opportunity to all pupils to leave Kettlebrook Short Stay School with a Cambridge National qualification in Sport Studies.


Courses availiable:


Available courses:
Sport KS3
Cambridge National Sport Studies (SPORT KS4)



Name of Course
Sport KS3

Outline of Course
We have fun enjoying a range of sports and sports related activities. Most of them are taught on site, but we also go off site for the Outdoor Adventurous Activities which are delivered by qualified staff. Our sports philosophy is to get students interested in doing something practical and encourage them to stay fit and healthy. We also complete theory lessons at this key stage, covering some contemporary issues in sport. This is to give our students an insight to the coursework-assessed topics of the Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies qualification and to aid a smooth transition to Key Stage 4, where they will build on the foundation knowledge that they are exposed to in years 7-9.

How it’s taught
Practical lessons
Theory lessons
Small group activities
Case studies
Class size groups
Whole school groups

Topic Areas
Practical: OAA/Team building; table tennis; Basketball; Football; Fitness; Walking; Running; Athletics; Sports Day

Theory: Common barriers to participation; Olympic and Paralympic values; Birmingham 2022; Sporting Etiquette and behaviour; The Football Association; Technology in sport



Name of Course
Cambridge National Sport Studies (SPORT KS4)

Students will follow National Cambridge Sports Studies Qualifications during KS 4.  We try to make this as practical as possible incorporating both performer and leadership opportunities, as well as outdoor education. Some sports are completed off site – eg. Mountain Biking and Athletics – using Cannock Chase and Tamworth Athletics Stadium, respectively. There is also a strong emphasis on completing theory-based coursework, Here students further develop their knowledge and understanding of “Contemporary issues in sport”, which they have been previously introduced to in key stage 3.

Outline of Course

R184: Contemporary issues in sport

R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities

R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

How it’s taught
Practical: Demonstrations, videos and differentiated practices; with more complex skills broken down into sections to enable precise skills to develop and become refined; understand and employ tactics to outwit the opposition and win points/games/matches, Decision making and tactical awareness; team strategies; rule and regulations; awareness of strengths and weaknesses.

Theory: Video clips, interactive IT, discussions, case studies; exam style questions; exam technique; Set assignments given by OCR

Topic Areas

Issues which affect participation in sport
The role of sport in promoting values
The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
The use of technology in sport
Athletics; table tennis; leadership; volleyball; football; cricket; rounders; tennis; outdoor education