This organisation, KSSS strongly believes that all pupils and staff must be protected from harm at all times.
We believe every child and member of staff, should be valued, safe and happy working together as a small ‘family community’. We want to make sure that all our pupils that we have contact with, know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm or know of others in our ‘family community’ are.
We want pupils who use or have contact with our school, to enjoy what we have to offer (on and off sites) do so in safety.
We want parents and carers who uwe have links with, to also be supported to care for their child, in a way that promotes their child’s health and well-being and keeps them safe.
If we discover or suspect a child is suffering harm we will notify social services or the police in order that they can be protected if necessary. We will escalate cases if our DSL team feel that they need escalation to support our students welfare.
Our child protection policy and our child protection procedures apply to all staff, volunteers and users of KSSS and anyone carrying out any work for us or using our premises.
We will review our child protection policy and procedures at least every year to make sure they are still relevant and effective. KSSS, as a Staffordshire County Council school, uses the model policies for safeguarding, attend regulas DSL training, staff complete Child Protection Level 1 training each year; each DSL and DDSLs are given appropiriate training and opportunities to up date thier training each year.
KSSS recruits all its members of staff by following KCSIE and Safer Recuritment requirements; A selection of senior staff & Governors are Safer Recruitment trained, we also use an external HR company to monitor our SCR per year. We complete the 157/175 audits per year, which are shared with Staffordshire County Council. All of our schools and Alternative Providers that we work with, are quality assured by KSSS staff and they recieve letters of assurance from KSSS annually.
Child protection issues – please contact the school or