At Kettlebrook, our intent in Maths is to provide pupils with a high-quality education that lays a strong foundation for understanding the world and fosters a genuine interest and curiosity about mathematics. We aim for students to develop a sound understanding and knowledge of numbers, becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematical concepts.
We want our students to enhance their conceptual understanding and develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately and rapidly. All students will be encouraged to believe that through hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude towards maths, including valuing mistakes as learning opportunities, they can succeed. We believe that Maths is crucial in preparing pupils for the future, both in terms of life skills and career opportunities. Pupils will see maths integrated across the curriculum and will develop and apply their skills in various contexts.
Courses available:
Available courses:
KS3 Mathematics
GCSE Mathematics A
Functional Skills- Mathematics
Name of Course
KS3 Mathematics
Students at KSSS follow key aspects of The National Curriculum based on the gaps that each student has. We aim for students to be numerate and confident in this curriculum area. Some students – if ready will take Functional Skills qualifications too.
Outline of Course
Students will cover ability appropriate work in maths, covering all topic areas. Multiplication Tables and Number are key areas that we wish our students to be confident in. Maths is cyclical, so topic areas will build on themselves as students move through Key Stage 3. In Year 9, students will begin studying topics for their GCSE course.
How it’s taught
Classroom based tasks and activities, small group work. The course is very practically based to fully engage our students.
Topic Areas
Students will cover the areas of Number, Algebra, Ratio & Proportion, Geometry , Statistics and Probability. They will also undertake Functional Skills activities and work towards a qualification.
Tasks will be set by teachers within lessons, but also there will be activities sent home for the students to work through.
Students will have their own log in for mymaths and tasks will be set online.
Name of Course
GCSE Mathematics A
Edexcel GCSE Maths (9-1) 1MA1
Outline of Course
The Course is now a 3 year course, starting in Year 9, with examinations in the summer of Year 11. There are now 3 one and a half hour exam papers, Paper 1 is a non- calculator paper and papers 2 and 3 are calculator papers.
The new GCSE grades are from 1 to 5 in the Foundation course, a grade 4 being equivalent to a Grade C in the old exam.
Students may purchase revision guides and workbooks from school.
How it’s taught
Individual , paired work and group work activities.
Maths games, online activities and homework, using the mymaths website.
Topic Areas eg.
• Number
• Algebra
• Ratio & Proportion
• Geometry & Measures
• Probability and Statistics
Tasks set on the mymaths website. Students will have their own personal log in. Paper-based tasks sent home.
Name of Course
Functional Skills- Mathematics
Edexcel Functional Skills ( Entry Level, Level 1/2 )
Outline of Course
Students will be preparing for examination at Entry Level and Level 1, depending on their ability. There will be opportunities during the year for students to achieve a qualification. It is a paper- based exam, covering all topic areas within Mathematics, in real –life contexts. Students will just gain a pass for this qualification, there are no grades.
How it’s taught
Individual, paired work and group work activities
Maths games, discussions, work on the mymaths website, looking at lots of practical applications of Mathematics to prepare for adulthood.
Topic Areas
Tasks set on the mymaths website. Students will have their own personal log in. Paper – based tasks.