All students need to attend every part of their Individual Learning Plan unless that they are ill or injured and can’t make it into school. If this is the case then Kettlebrook would like each Parent/Care to phone into school to authorise this absence and ensure that the student is safe. Work can be set and sent home for longer periods of absence. Kettlebrook does operate a daily absence phoning process. Please contact the school and discuss your child’s attendance if it becomes an issue so that we can try to support you and your child at this time. Our school attendance registers are regularly reviewed by KSSS staff and the Local Authority. We realise that since COVID that some students find it really difficult to come into a school setting – so sometimes we will arrange lessons in other places such as the local library or even if needed in the home for short periods of time. We expect to see each child each day, but at times we will do home and welfare checks each week – this could lead to issuing attendance orders and involving the EWO.