Staff Profiles
Staff Profiles
All the staff at Kettlebrook are very experienced and professionally qualified in their own areas of expertise. We work very closely together as a team of highly dedicated staff who want the best for each of our students and their family unit. All staff are vetted by the local authority; DBS checked and have at least two good references etc, as we are a safer recruitment school. (There are no staff union reps at this school – as no staff want to undertake these positions at the current time.)
These key staff have specific roles & responsibilities:
Executive Headteacher
Ms S Bamber
01827 312840
Head of School
Mrs K Jefferson
01827 312840
Assistant Headteacher
Miss S Norrington
01827 312840
Mr S Gabbitass
01827 312840
Chair of Management Committee
Mr J Brodie
01827 312840
Child Protection Issues
Please contact the school on
01827 312840 or first response on 08001313126
Health & Safety
Mrs J Barker
01827 312840
Ms J Mansell
01827 312840
Designated Leads for Safeguarding
Mrs K Jefferson
01827 312840
Mr L Round
01827 312840
Child Protection Governor
Mr JBrodie
01827 312840
First Aiders
Miss S Norrington
Mr Round
Mr Hall